Monday, November 19, 2012

The Streets of San Francisco

On leaving LA, we changed our plans at little and decided to drive straight to San Francisco. We arrived at our apartment at 161 Lower Terrace in Buena Vista Heights at about 1pm, after a seven-hour drive. The apartment turned out to be very spacious with fantastic views downtown. We have spent the last two days exploring the compact city in our car and getting a feel for its bohemian vibe. We started with a drive to Fishermans Wharf to put the city in context. With more tourists than seagulls, we quickly escaped to the outlying suburbs in search of sustenance. We started with large bowls of wonton noodle soup at Hai Ky Mi Gia on Ellis St. With our bellies full, we jumped back in the car and drove to Fort Point, underneath the Golden Gate Bridge. We arrived just before sunset to watch a handful of surfers chasing waves at the same location Alfred Hitchcock used to film a famous scene in Vertigo. We then drove back to Union Square for a walk around the busy streets before returning to our own neighbourhood to shop for supplies.
Early the next day, we set out for Ocean Beach. Following a light breakfast at the Trouble Coffee Co cafe we checked out the Mollusk Surf Shop before finding a park near Cliff House to get a better view of the pounding surf. A small group of surfers lined up on a wedgy bank way out next to the rocky islands as we enjoyed the warm sunshine. We then drove across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito to find the best view we could before heading back for a late lunch at San Tung Chinese Restaurant on Irving Street. After relaxing at home for a while, we set out again in the early evening to explore The Castro neighbourhood which is right below us. Our guide books informed us it is currently the “best-known gay neighbourhood in the USA”. A drive past the Squat & Gobble, the Endup and the Stud Bar seemed to confirm the fact. While researching where to eat, we came across the following review of the Eagle Tavern:
Seriously, hipsters, don't even bother. It's going to be hard putting the Chrome bag and ironic t-shirt to work scoring your indie chicks when you can't walk 5 feet at the Eagle without a penis with what looks like a Hell's Angel from Alabama attached to the other end of it practically falling into your mouth. There are mirrors on the urinal positioned so your neighbors can check out your dangling sea otter! Stay away, it's better for everyone involved.
So we took the advice, and without any double entendres intended, went home to eat.



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